Creating applications with a distraction-free UI is a breeze with Bootstrap onepage admin template. With its innovative admin templates, you can create high-quality, high-performing, and quality-tested applications that are completely responsive and look stunning on all devices.
When it’s time to design an admin panel, it’s important to keep in mind that the goal of the dashboard is different from the goal of a website. With Bootstrap onepage admin template, you can easily create a web app with an out-of-the-box idea and API key.
Take your app to the next level with free and premium Bootstrap onepage admin template downloads. These admin panel templates are designed to be visually stunning, intuitive, and effective. They’ll help users take quick action and navigate more quickly.
If you’re looking for the best admin dashboard templates, there are a lot of high-quality, free downloads available. Take advantage of these Bootstrap onepage admin template downloads and create a beautiful, distraction-free UI for your application.
- Argon Dashboard
ASP.NET Argon Dashboard is a comprehensive, modular, and customizable frontend for ASP.NET. It comes with over 100 individual components, all of which can be customized in color using SASS files. This Dashboard makes development processes easier by providing prebuilt examples, and switching from the pages to the website is easy. - Vuestic Free Vue Admin Template
Vue.js is a popular web development framework with a growing community. This free and beautiful admin template with 44+ custom UI components can help you create a powerful and easy-to-use admin interface for your website. With this template, you can create a customized admin interface for your website in minutes, without having to learn any code. - Minimalism Bootstrap Dashboard Template
If you’re a web developer looking for a Bootstrap 5 admin template packed with unique features, look no further than Minimalism Bootstrap Dashboard. Our Admin Templates are not just powerful and user-friendly, but easy to use and adaptable to any business environment. - Material Dashboard Angular
Material Dashboard is a free Material Bootstrap 4 Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google’s Material Design. It is very easy to use and comes with a beautiful set of components that are perfect for any modern website. - Material Dashboard Two
Material Dashboard 2 is a powerful frontend platform that is built with over 60 individual elements. These elements can be styled using SASS files and classes, giving you the freedom to choose and combine which look you want for your project. Material Dashboard 2 is designed for those who want bold and beautiful websites. It is ready to help you create stunning websites and web applications. - Focus Bootstrap Admin Template
With Focus, you’ll have a polished, responsive, and lightweight HTML5 admin template that’s easy to use and responsive. With its huge collection of features, Charts is a great way to organize and visualize data. - Black Dashboard Angular
Angular-cli is a powerful tool used to develop applications with AngularJS. It has a large number of components that can be used to create admin dashboards, which are important for businesses. Black Dashboard Angular is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard that uses Angular with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing. The components are grouped together to make it easy to find what you are looking for, and the dashboard is easy to use with color-coded buttons and icons. The documentation includes instructions on how to get started with the dashboard. It is light and easy to use, and also very powerful. - ArchitectUI React Dashboard
ArchitectUI React Dashboard Template is a free, open-source version of our premium admin template: ArchitectUI React PRO Theme. It comes packed with a set of beautiful elements and components that can offer you a head start in developing your web application. It has a fully responsive layout and multiple color schemes for both Bootstrap elements and layout components. Just like the PRO version, this free theme has built-in the ability to change the style and position of layout components, just by adding the respective CSS classes. Eg. fixed-header, .fixed-sidebar, or .fixed-footer. - Vue Light Bootstrap Dashboard
Vue Light Bootstrap Dashboard is a helpful resource built over Bootstrap 4 and Vuejs. It will help you get started developing beautiful dashboards in no time. The Dashboard is accessed via a simple interface, but you will need some knowledge of Javascript, Vue, and Vue-Router in order to use it. - Paper Dashboard Angular
Paper Dashboard Angular is a Bootstrap Admin Template that combines soft colors with beautiful typography and spacious cards and graphics. It was built on top of Google’s Angular Framework and the HTML version of Paper Dashboard. It is a powerful dashboard but it is light and easy to be used. It has enough features to allow you to get the job done, but it is not crowded to the point where you can’t find the files for a specific component. - Now UI Dashboard Angular
UI Dashboard Angular is a Bootstrap 4 admin Angular 13 template that is provided for free by Invision and Creative Tim. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics. Now UI Dashboard Angular comes packed with all the plugins you might need inside a project and documentation on how to get started. It is light and easy to use, and also very powerful. - Light Bootstrap Dashboard Angular
Light Bootstrap Dashboard Angular is a beautiful and simple admin dashboard template built on top of Light Bootstrap Dashboard and Bootstrap 3. It is fully responsive and comes with a big collection of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs. It can be used to create admin panels, project management systems, web applications backend, CMS, or CRM. - Soft UI Dashboard
Soft UI Dashboard is a powerful, flexible, and attractive frontend interface built with over 70 individual elements. It is designed for users who want bold elements and beautiful websites, and comes with a wide variety of elements and design blocks to make creating a website or web app easy. - Nuxt Black Dashboard
Nuxt Black Dashboard is a modern Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard with a beautiful design. It comes in two versions: Dark and Light Mode, and it has a lot of features for data management. The dashboard is easy on the eyes, and it has spacious cards with beautiful typography. It also has graphics that make it look professional. The dashboard comes with just enough features to get started, and it includes multiple components and plugins. It also has a lot of example pages to provide inspiration. - Flatlogic React Dashboard
React Dashboard is a free, open-source isomorphic dashboard template built with the latest technologies such as React Router, Redux, GraphQL, and Bootstrap. Working backend integration and Server Side Rendering allows bootstrap development of your web on a low budget. You can use React Dashboard to build CMS, SASS, CRM, E-Commerce, etc applications. - Argon Dashboard Angular
Argon Dashboard is a versatile and easy-to-use AngularJS dashboard created with over 100 individual components. It provides users with a great deal of control over the design and layout of their dashboard, as well as the ability to easily change the colors of each component. This dashboard is coming with pre-built examples so the development process is seamless, and switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done. - Vuesy Laravel Admin & Dashboard Template
Vuesy is a Laravel 9 with Bootstrap 5.1.3 based fully responsive admin dashboard template. With Vuesy, you can create a beautiful, responsive admin dashboard in no time. This powerful, modular template is based on a simple design that makes it easy to customize. It comes with a wealth of features, including widgets, beautiful UI elements, and more. This is the ideal template for your next dashboard or admin web project. With Vuesy, your team can move faster and save development costs and time. - Nago Laravel Admin Template
Nago Laravel Admin Template is fully responsive and built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, Laravel, HTML5, CSS3, and SCSS. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and is integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. This template makes it easy to build admin interfaces for your Laravel web applications. - Mytask React Redux Project Management Admin Template
I created a React and ReactBootstrap Admin Template that is modern, flat, and minimal. It can be used for most types of dashboard and app templates like Project Management & HR Management. It comes with updates and features like React 17x and ReactBootstrap User Management, Role Management, Authorization, Project Management, Task Management, App Calendar, Chat App, and two easy to customize Light and Dark Version colors. Layout options are available to easily make the sidebar, Mini sidebar, and Rtl to Ltr User pages for login, register, password reset, step authentication, 404, and customization of pages. This template is easy to customize as you have the power to use prebuilt UI elements on any desired pages with light and dark options. - Weeducate Education and ELearning Admin Template
Weeducate is an amazing Educational Dashboard template that is built for Nursery, Kindergarten, Playschool, Preschool, Daycare, Nanny services, School, and other Education-based websites. It has a clean, unique, and out-of-the-box design that will make you want to work on your dashboard. The package includes forty plus html5 management pages that can help you customize how your Educational admin Dashboard will look, and you can adjust its design based on your needs. - Tinydash Clean Bootstrap Admin Template
Tinydash is a clean Bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4. It has a simple and elegant design, and is packed with most of the necessary features to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, saas administration systems, and management systems. The template has a well crafted, with all the components neatly and carefully designed and arranged within the template. - Datum React, Vue, Laravel, HTML CRM Admin Dashboard Template
Datum is a customer relationship management-based design intended for any company who wants to build their CRM app. It is a modern and versatile dashboard with various ready-to-use apps and utility pages. It consists of the most impressive pages like the auth module, error pages, order pages, product pages, customer pages, invoice, and dashboard pages. Datum is a CRM-based template design and is super clean looking, making your backend app look beautiful and elegant. Datum works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Each page is fully responsive and retina-ready, making your creation look good on any device. - Devinvue Admin Vue and Element Vue Webpack CLI Kit
Devinvue is a Vue 2.0 based admin panel built with Element and Vue Webpack CLI Kit. Element is a Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers, and product managers, with a set of design resources. With a responsive and optimized design for mobile and a wide range of useful components, Devinvue makes it easy to build your next project. - Minotaur Angular Admin Dashboard
Minotaur is a brand new admin dashboard that is based on the successful “Minovate Admin Dashboardâ€. It is well structured, clean, powerful, and built using controllers syntax. Using such great tools as Bower, Gulp, and Sass, it is really easy to maintain. Minotaur is also strongly aimed at responsiveness. - Cubic Angular Admin Template with Multiple Dashboard
Cubic Admin is a powerful Angular 2 & 4 admin dashboard template. It is a responsive HTML template, built on the CSS framework Bootstrap. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design, and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. - Soft UI Dashboard Pro
Soft UI Dashboard Pro is designed for those who want a visually appealing website or web app.made of hundreds of elements, designed blocks, and coded pages, the software is ready to help you create a stunning product. There are many options when creating a product with Soft UI Dashboard Pro. Basic Design, illustration, and even a cover are available. Whether you are creating a new website or a new web app, Soft UI Dashboard Pro is the perfect software for you. - Ventic React Redux Event Ticketing Admin Template
Templates built on the latest React framework are fully responsive and ready to use with a detailed documentation. They come with attractive calendar and customizable React Bootstrap components. Examples of form elements include input sliders, form validation, and advanced form elements. There are many charts options, including a chart selector, and form elements for data input and output. There are also features for table sorting and table date picker. React Router is also included for advanced routing. And lastly, Sweetalert provides a toaster rating and chatbox. - Fasto Angular Admin Dashboard Template
Fasto is a modern, intuitive, and responsive WordPress theme that has a lot of features. It is Clean, Intuitive, and has a Fully Responsive Unique Design. It has Developer Friendly Code, Angular 12 Ready, and Full SASS Support. Some of the features that make the theme more appealing are Buttons, Charts, Nestable, Lightgallery, Shop pages, and Calender. - Volgh CodeIgniter Admin & Dashboard Template
Volgh – responsive admin panel theme & premium dashboard design modern flat codeigniter template is designed for easy to use and customize. No need to work hard on this template to customize with user-friendly code. - Kripton Crypto HTML, React, Angular & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template RTL Ready
Kripton Crypto HTML Admin Dashboard Template is a complete Laravel 5.4 and Reactjs based admin dashboard template with HTML files, JS files, CSS files, and SASS files. It comes with proper documentation and a Laravel package. - Sing App Html
If you’re looking for an HTML5 admin template that’s fully responsive and built with Bootstrap 4.2.1, look no further than Sing App HTML5. On average, it will save you around 400 man-hours in development time. You can use the template to build any type of web application, like a SAAS, CRM, data analytics software, or investment dashboard. - Veltrix Vuejs Admin & Dashboard Template
Enterprise grade admin dashboard template Veltrix is based on Vue CLI & Vuex component framework with Firebase authentication. It has Dark & Light layouts with RTL support. It is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal admin template with reusable components that makes your development work smoother. - Sing App React
Sing App React Template is a powerful React 17 and Bootstrap 5 template that can be used for building any kind of web application. The template comes with aServer Side Rendering (SSR) and Node.js backend that speeds up your development process even further. - Volt Pro Bootstrap Admin Template
Volt Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template featuring over 800 components, 20 example pages, and 10 custom-styled plugins. Themesberg coded this template with a focus on quality and usability, making it perfect for use by developers and companies alike. - Egret Angular Admin Dashboard Template
Egret Admin is a Typescript Angular admin dashboard built with Angular Material, Flex Layout, and Angular CLI. It includes a large collection of responsive and reusable components, giving you everything you need to get started on your next ERP, CRM, or CMS-based project. Egret has a wide range of features, including multiple layouts, lazy loading, dynamic breadcrumbs and page titles, model-driven dynamic navigation, and multi-language support. - Viho Bootstrap HTML , React Js, Angular , Django & Laravel Admin & Dashboard Template
Viho Admin is a full-featured, multipurpose, premium Bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS, and JQuery. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and is integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all types of web applications – like custom admin panel, app backend, CMS, or CRM – and comes with a lot of features for maximizing your project’s usability. - Mediqu Hospital Angular Admin Dashboard Template
Mediqu Features is an intuitive and fully responsive design that works on all major browsers. It has developer-friendly code and is Angular 11 ready, feature rich with buttons, charts, nestable, a light gallery, and shop pages. It also has a calendar and is fully responsive.
I hope this list of Bootstrap onepage admin templates has been helpful. We’d love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think. Please share this post with your friends and colleagues so they can benefit from this list too. Thanks for reading!