Developing a dashboard from scratch is a huge time and money investment. To make your life easier, we have compiled a list of the most creative and popular HTML admin dashboard templates, both paid and free. With these templates, you can create a modern and sleek eCommerce, restaurant job portal, or online hospital dashboard with a minimal effort.
One of the best features of admin panels is the addition of instructions and explanations next to the options. This is particularly useful when you have to revisit something you developed a while ago but don’t remember what the option does.
For developers, Bootstrap technology is a great way to quickly build a website or mobile app. Without Bootstrap, designing all the front-end pages from scratch would be a huge and expensive challenge.
Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Admin Dashboard is the perfect free template for creating a dashboard of any kind. Powered by Bootstrap 4, the template offers a beautiful and intuitive layout that makes navigation easy and smooth. It is also designed to fit different screen sizes, particularly mobile screens. The top navigation has a search bar with three more items: messages, notifications, and user profile. The fixed left sidebar holds multiple functionalities to apply to the exact places.
You can still make customizations and adjustments to the template. Create a login form that fits your regulations – comfortably! With our free Bootstrap admin template, free themes, and free templates, your next project will be done in no time.
- Soft UI Dashboard
Soft UI Dashboard is a lightweight and versatile frontend builder that is packed with over 70 individual components, giving you the freedom to choose and combine. All components can be customized with variations in color, making it perfect for those who prefer bold elements and beautiful websites. Made of hundred of elements, designed blocks and fully coded pages, Soft UI Dashboard is ready to help you create stunning websites and webapps. - ArchitectUI React Dashboard
The ArchitectUI React Dashboard Template is an open source project that was created as a variation of our premium admin template: the ArchitectUI React PRO Theme. It has a fully responsive layout, and multiple color schemes that are compatible with Bootstrap. It also comes with the ability to change the style and position of layout components, just by adding the respective CSS classes. - Paper Dashboard Angular
Paper Dashboard Angular is a Bootstrap Admin Template that combines soft colors with beautiful typography and spacious cards and graphics. It was built on top of Google’s Angular Framework and the HTML version of Paper Dashboard. It is a powerful dashboard but it is light and easy to be used. It has enough features to allow you to get the job done, but it is not crowded to the point where you can’t find the files for a specific component. - Vue Argon Dashboard Two
Vue Argon Dashboard is a powerful free and open source dashboard built with Bootstrap 5 and VueJS 3. It provides users with a vast array of customizable individual elements, making it easy to transition from prototype to full-functionality. Additionally, all components are implemented in a way that makes development seamless, allowing for quick transition from our pages to the live website. - Material Dashboard Two
Material Dashboard 2 is a customizable and colorful frontend framework that lets you create stunning websites and web apps. With over 60 individual elements,Material Dashboard 2 gives you the freedom to choose and combine components to create the look you want. All components can be modified using SASS files and classes, making it easy to create beautiful websites. - Material Dashboard Angular
Material Dashboard is a free Material Bootstrap 4 Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google’s Material Design. It comes with a couple of third-party plugins redesigned to fit in with the rest of the elements, making it the perfect choice for any admin project. - Light Bootstrap Dashboard Angular
Light Bootstrap Dashboard Angular is a beautiful and responsive admin dashboard template designed to be simple. It is built on top of Light Bootstrap Dashboard and Bootstrap 3, making it fully responsive. It comes with a big collection of elements that offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best suits your needs. It can be used to create admin panels, project management systems, web applications backend, CMS, or CRM. - Material Dashboard MaterialUI
Material Dashboard React is a free Material-UI Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google’s Material Design. Our aim was to make it as easy to use as possible, while still maintaining the beauty and vibrancy of Material Design. Material Dashboard React was built over Material-UI v4.1.0, a popular admin framework that allows you to create beautiful, intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. - Focus Bootstrap Admin Template
If you’re looking for a lightweight, polished, resourceful, easy to use, and responsive HTML5 Bootstrap admin template, then the Focus Admin might be the perfect option for you. With its extensive Forms Wizard feature, Charts section, and jQuery charting libraries, the Focus Admin boasts some great features that sets it apart from other templates. - Black Dashboard Angular
In today’s installment of Angular 101, we’re going to be talking about one of the most popular front-end development frameworks out there, Bootstrap 4. If you’re new to Angular, or just need a refresher, we suggest checking out our previous articles on the subject. Additionally, if you’re looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, we recommend checking out Black Dashboard Angular. Bootstrap 4 is a front-end development framework that was created by Twitter in 2014. It is a lightweight and responsive framework that is used by millions of developers all over the world. However, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive framework, we suggest checking out Angular. Angular is a front-end development platform that was created by Google in 2011. It is one of the most popular frameworks in the world, and is used by millions of developers all over the world. It is a comprehensive platform that allows for a high degree of flexibility and customization. Additionally, it is highly modular, making it easy to add new features to your projects. Black Dashboard Angular is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard that uses Angular with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics. Black Dashboard Angular comes packed with all plugins that you might need inside a project and documentation on how to get started. It is light and easy to use, and also very powerful. We hope you enjoyed this installment of Angular 101. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know. - Nuxt Black Dashboard
Nuxt Black Dashboard is an Admin Dashboard designed with beautiful colors and typography, to make data management easy. You can use this dashboard to manage and visualize data in your business. It comes in Dark and Light Mode, and includes multiple components and plugins to make data management easier. There is also an example archive inside the download, to help you get started. - Now UI Dashboard Angular
After years of development, the popular Angular 13 UI Dashboard is now released as a free Bootstrap 4 admin template provided by Invision and Creative Tim. This template is packed with colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics. It also comes with all the plugins you might need inside a project, as well as documentation on how to get started. - Vuestic Free Vue Admin Template
Vue.js is a popular front-end development framework that provides developers with efficiency and flexibility. A free and beautiful admin template with 44+ custom UI components is available that can be used to create a responsive admin interface. - Minimalism Bootstrap Dashboard Template
The Minimalism Bootstrap Dashboard template is the perfect solution for web developers who are looking for a bootstrap admin template with unique features. This template is developer-friendly and customizable, making it perfect for any business. - Argon Dashboard Angular
Argon Dashboard is a powerful and versatile AngularJS-based dashboard built with over 100 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. All components can take variations in color, which you can easily modify using SASS files. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. The Dashboard is coming with pre-built examples, so the development process is seamless, and switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done. - Blur Admin
With BlurAdmin, you can get a clean, modern admin dashboard for your AngularJS project. This theme offers a variety of tools to monitor your website’s performance, including the number of visitors and their location. You can customize the dashboard to fit your needs, and the code is freely available on GitHub. - Vue Light Bootstrap Dashboard
Vue Light Bootstrap Dashboard is a beautiful, functional dashboard built on top of Bootstrap 4 and Vuejs. It will help you get started developing dashboards quickly, and is the official Vuejs version of the Original Light Bootstrap Dashboard. Using the Dashboard is simple, but you will need basic knowledge of Javascript and Vue, and familiarity with Vue-Router if you want to create more advanced dashboards. - Argon Dashboard
ASP.NET Argon Dashboard comes with 100 individual components, giving you the freedom to choose and combining. All components can take variations in color, that you can easily modify using SASS files. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. This Dashboard is coming with prebuilt examples, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done. - Flatlogic React Dashboard
React Dashboard is an open-source, isomorphic dashboard template, built with the latest technologies like React Router, Redux, GraphQL, and Bootstrap. It has a working backend integration and Server Side Rendering, so you can bootstrap your web development on a low budget. - Laravel Angular Admin
Laravel Angular Admin is perfect if you are planning to create an e-commerce website. The dashboard with stats and orders along with other related information is easily viewable on the site. - Yoda Bootstrap HTML, Vue, React Admin Dashboard Template
If you’re a developer looking for a user-friendly admin dashboard template, you’ll love Yoda Bootstrap HTML, Vue and React Admin Dashboard Template. This admin dashboard is built with the Ant Design component framework and has all the features you’ll need to create a robust user interface. Plus, with its customizable feature, you can be sure to create the application you want. - Coda HTML Bootstrap Admin Template
Coda is a responsive and powerful admin template built on HTML5, jQuery, and Bootstrap. It has limitless possibilities and is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customized. Coda is perfect for use in custom admin panels, project management systems, admin dashboards, application backends, content management systems, or customer relationship management systems. It has clean and commented code, 50 pages, 20 Bootstrap components, 50 charts, 50 advance cards (widgets), and more. We’re constantly adding new features and improving existing ones based on customer feedback. - Kripton Crypto Admin Angular Dashboard Template
Kripton Crypto Admin Angular Dashboard Template is a clean, intuitive, and responsive dashboard built with AngularJS. It is perfect for managing cryptocurrencies and provides a fully responsive design that works on all major browsers. - Daktar Hospital Managment HTML Template
Daktar – Hospital Management HTML Template is based on the Bootstrap 5 framework and comes with a nicely designed dashboard and 24+ template files. It is a very powerful and developer-friendly template. It is also fully responsive for all major web browsers and devices. It is usable for developing any type of Web application like POS or Project Management, etc. - Vex Angular Material Design Admin Template
Vex is a CRM, CMS, or dashboard-based project template built with Angular 14 and Angular-CLI. It offers you everything you need to get started with your next project, from a creative design to a modular component setup. AngularJS2 / Angular 2 / Angular 13 / Angular 14 is the perfect framework for building large enterprise applications, and allows for a component-based setup. Everything you add is always specific to a component and modular, meaning you can add or remove components without affecting the rest of the template. - Xtreme Dashboard Admin Template
The Xtreme Admin is a professional Internet of things admin dashboard template that is built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5 and CSS3. This admin was a fully responsive dashboard template that was built with Media Query so it can be adjusted to any screen size. The Xtreme Admin also includes a huge collection of reusable UI components that are integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. This makes it the perfect admin template for any website that needs to manage a large number of devices and data. - Dashonic Bundle Admin Template
Dashonic is a web development bundle that offers multiple versions (HTML, React, Angular 13, Vue, Laravel, PHP, CodeIgniter, NodeJs, Ajax, and PHP). You can check more details of every version from the demo page. - Dandelion Pro React Admin Dashboard Template
Dandelion Pro is a ReactJS admin template based on React Boilerplate. It provides you with a modern design and high performance react app. It follows the Material Design concept and provides you with more than 40 react components written in react function. Every components, modules and page are fully customizable, easy to use, and suitable for large-scale projects. - Phoenix Admin Dashboard & WebApp Template
Phoenix is a well-designed and well-coded template that is built with a solid experience base of creating UX/UI for over a decade. Along with the feedback from thousands of satisfied customers, this template features all modern amenities like a burger menu, dark mode, geolocation, built-in fonts and icons, predefined HTML pages, and more. It is cross-browser compatible, and has a meticulously designed layout that is perfect for any web project. - Crowen Bootstrap Admin Template
- Shreyu Angular Admin & Dashboard Template
Welcome to Shreyu, a fully featured premium admin and dashboard template built using the latest web development technologies. With Shreyu, you can easily create a modern web application with great speed and flexibility. Shreyu offers a wide variety of components that can be used to build any type of interface, and the well-structured code makes it easy to customize and build custom applications quickly. Shreyu is fully responsive and works on all modern browsers and devices, making it perfect for any web application. Thanks for choosing Shreyu! - Proxima Angular Admin Template
Proxima Admin is an Angular 10 Premium Admin Template that is based on modern tools and workflow. It is also scalable and a good learning base. - Jobie Job Portal Angular Admin Dashboard Template
The Jobie Job Portal Angular Admin Dashboard Template is a clean, intuitive, and fully responsive design that works on all major browsers. It is perfect for use with AngularJS and is a great way to manage your job postings. - Midone React Admin Dashboard Template HTML Version
Midone is a responsive and fully featured Admin Template powered by the utility-first CSS framework TailwindCSS 3+. If you’re a developer looking for an admin dashboard with ready-made Tailwind components, developer-friendly, and highly customizable Midone is one of the best on the market. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, the template’s UI components can be easily customized without leaving the HTML code. Midone is a unique, modern, and flexible Admin dashboard template that can be used to build Backend Applications, Information systems, and CRM, or even to start a new simple project and learn to use TailwindCSS. We encourage you to have a good look at the live preview and discover all the themes and included features! - Vuse VueJs CLI Material Admin
Vuse admin is a powerful, responsive, flexible and modern admin template built on Vuejs and Vuetify. It comes with a starter kit to help developers get started quickly and is fully responsive on every device and modern browser. It contains many example pages with many ready-to-use elements, and is easy to customize. You can choose from a few pre-made layouts or create your own. This template comes with lots of popular UI components with unified color options. - Skodash Bootstrap Admin Template
Skodash is a modern and classic admin template developed with the latest bootstrap framework version 5. This theme has three multiple layouts with a color switcher. Vertical, horizontal, and collapsed menu layouts are the types of this theme. All versions are fully responsive and compatible with every browser. UI components are awesome. Buttons, charts, forms, icons, and maps are the components available in this theme. Code quality is also very good for every developer. - Light Blue React
Light Blue React Template is the world’s first transparent dashboard built with Bootstrap 5 and React 17. It uses Server Side Rendering for SEO optimization and Node.js backend to even further speed up your development. Light Blue React admin template can be used to create analytics dashboards, E-Commerce apps, CMS, SASS web apps, CRM, etc.
I hope this list of free bootstrap admin templates, themes, and templates is helpful for you. Please feel free to leave a comment and share this post if you found it valuable. I’m always open to hearing ideas for improvement, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts. Thanks for reading!